Trust Merchantec to guide your Board of Directors

Independent & Focused

Acorim is the Company Secretarial and Corporate Governance Advisory division of Merchantec Capital.

We maintain a high degree of independence by focusing exclusively on corporate governance services to ensure an arm’s length relationship is maintained at all times.

Governance is the cornerstone of any good business. Our services will evaluate your risks and opportunities, optimising your professional practices, ultimately allowing you to maintain a cohesive and sustainable business.

Professional Services

Acorim provides access to a unified framework and dedicated support team and based on our thorough understanding of the various regulatory frameworks, we ensure the highest quality of service at all times.

Company Secretarial & Corporate Governance

Providing the directors of your company collectively and individually with guidance as to their duties, responsibilities and powers.

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Board Evaluations

Offering bespoke board evaluation services with the track record, skills and experience to successfully facilitate your next board and committee evaluation.

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Acorim has specific solutions to guide you through your continued compliance, namely the POPI Gap Analysis, Information Officer Evaluation and Training to ensure ongoing awareness.

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Statutory Management

In addition to our core services, we offer other professional services to assist in the management of your company.

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Board Composition & Remuneration Benchmarking

Assessing your company’s board and governance practices in comparison to its peers and providing a useful reference point to benchmark executive and non-executive director fees as disclosed by JSE-listed companies.

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Director Training

Providing tailor-made training to directors and officers on corporate governance, duties & liabilities etc.

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King IV Gap Analyses

Analysing your company’s current governance and reporting structures in respect of the King Code and relevant JSE Listings Requirements.

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XBRL Conversions

Companies are required by law to file their annual returns with CIPC within a certain period and financial statements are to be submitted within XBLR format.

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Africa Advisory

We offer Director Development & Training to provide directors in Africa with the necessary knowledge and insights required to fulfil their duties and deliver good governance on the Boards they sit on.

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