Effective Board development is critically important

For both executive and non-executive directors. Acorim understands the importance of training new directors, as well as the continuous development of existing directors, as emphasised in the King IV Report on Corporate Governance (“King IV”).

Providing directors with relevant information ensures that they are aware of their duties and liabilities as directors, and facilitates further understanding of the regulatory and governance environment that the company operates under.

Acorim’s governance training provides directors and officers with a greater sense of understanding of your company and the industry it operates in, allowing better participation and contribution during meetings.

In addition to the governance workshops, Acorim also compiles induction packs for newly appointed directors, or as an update document for existing directors. The induction packs are intended to act as a reference guide for your company and regulations affecting its directors, which can be used throughout the director’s tenancy.

Contact Us Now For Director Training

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