Strong corporate governance is the cornerstone to a successful and sustainable company. It incorporates practices and policies that are aligned with those of the Board and the shareholders the company represents.
- Providing the directors of your company collectively and individually with guidance as to their duties, responsibilities and powers.
- Making the directors aware of law and legislation relevant to or affecting your company.
- Ensuring that minutes of all shareholders’ meetings, directors’ meetings and the meetings of any committees of the directors are properly recorded in accordance with the Companies Act.
Learn about the new beneficial ownership disclosure rules, penalties for non-compliance, and the vital role of a skilled company secretary in this video.
Governance opinions and Advice
Making the directors aware of law and legislation relevant to or affecting your company.
Meeting Management
Overseeing the process of structuring Board and Committee meetings and helping to determine the focus and purpose of those meetings
Professional Minute Taking
Comprehensive and refined minute taking of all meetings. Ensuring that minutes of all shareholders’ meetings, directors’ meetings and the meetings of any committees of the directors are properly recorded in accordance with the Companies Act.
Policy Development
Drafting and assessing your company’s key governance policies.
Board & Committee Charters
Developing effective and appropriate governance charters for the Board and its Committees.
Integrated Reports
Reviewing your company’s previous and current Integrated Annual Reports and determine the current corporate governance status of your company in respect of the King Code and relevant JSE Listings Requirements.
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