Merchantec is a JSE registered sponsor and designated advisor

Unlocking possibilities

As an approved JSE Sponsor, Debt Sponsor and Designated Advisor, as well as an approved Sponsor of the NSX, our specialist sponsor team provides sound and relevant expert regulatory advice and independent guidance on the application of the JSE Listings Requirements, the JSE Debt Listings Requirements, the Companies Act, the Takeover Regulations, the King Code and the NSX Listings Requirements.

Through our thorough understanding of the various regulatory frameworks, our innovative and proactive approach to finding solutions for our clients and our class-leading systems, our focused team delivers the highest quality of service at a competitive pricing structure for our clients.

Our clients, spanning numerous varied industries, include companies with securities listed on the Main Board of the JSE, the JSE’s Alternative Exchange (AltX), the Interest Rate Market of the JSE and the NSX.

Sponsor Services

JSE Equity Sponsor & Designated Advisor

As an approved JSE Sponsor and Designated Advisor, and approved Sponsor of the NSX, our specialist and focused team provides sound and relevant independent guidance to Directors of Main Board, AltX and NSX listed companies.

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We will assist you to seamlessly and efficiently navigate the listing process. Partnering with us will allow you to benefit from our vast experience in primary, secondary and fast-track listings.

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Corporate Advisor and Transaction Sponsor

We provide Corporate Advisor and/or Transaction Sponsor services to our existing clients and to listed entities requiring such services where a corporate action calls for an Independent Sponsor or Designated Advisor.

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JSE Debt Sponsor Services

As an independent approved Debt Sponsor, our impartial views allow us to provide the best possible advice and achieve the best possible terms for an optimal outcome for our clients.

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Equity and Debt Capital Raising

Our expert teams specialise in raising equity and debt capital financing for our corporate and publicly listed clients. As your funding process involves decisions that are critical to its success, we will work closely with you to identify which capital raising approach works best for your company and within your time frame.

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Merchantec Capital Quick Reference Guide to the JSE Listings Requirements

An indispensable tool for directors and officers of JSE listed companies.

Download a copy

Craig Chambers, Chairmen, Adapt IT, shares his experience of working with us.

Merchantec Capital advised the Independent Board of Adapt IT when they received an unsolicited offer by a JSE Listed Company to acquire Adapt IT through a share swap mechanism, followed by an all cash offer by a Canadian Listed Company. As discussed by Craig this was a complicated process which required a deep technical understanding of the various regulations such as the Take-over Regulations, Companies Act and the JSE Listings Requirements. Merchantec Capital offered pragmatic advice and guided the Independent Board to the successful conclusion of the process.

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