Once an organisation has developed its M&A strategy, it is imperative that this strategy is implemented in order to achieve its long-term growth objectives. This entails identifying acquisition targets which comply with the stated objectives of the M&A strategy.

Through our Targeted Deal Matching service, we apply our extensive expertise in thinking outside-the-box to ensure that we provide our clients with acquisition opportunities that are interested, willing and committed to explore a transaction. Our team of Buy-Side M&A Advisors and business strategists lead the process with your management team to:

  • Identify a number of acquisition targets that fit your acquisition parameters;
  • Evaluate the strategic suitability of proposed candidates; and
  • Advise and negotiate on a deal structure that achieves your desired goal.

Upon your approval of a qualified acquisition lead, Merchantec Capital’s precise and collaborative advisory services can ensure all the necessary boxes are ticked to achieve a successful and mutually beneficial transaction.

Our team’s understanding of its clients’ growth strategies, together with Merchantec Capital’s local and international network, proven systems and deal origination processes have facilitated the implementation of numerous successful transactions for our clients.

As a member of the Alliance of International Corporate Advisors (AICA), we have access to a wide network of professional advisors with cross-border experience and deep local networks to assist in identifying and proposing a transaction for a global M&A strategy.

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