Bringing large, capital intensive projects to life is a journey that joins people across multiple disciplines, each playing a critical role in ensuring that a project delivers on its technical, financial and socio-economic aims, all the while keeping economic development and sustainability in focus.

We guide our clients on this journey by leveraging our team’s experience in finance, investment management, engineering and project development in order to bridge the gap between concept and reality, using financial modeling as a foundation.

Whether you are a project developer, sponsor, owner, funder or developmental agency, contact us to discuss how we can guide you.

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Through the diligent design and structuring of our equity and bankable lender case models, we refine and position projects for the highest chance of bankability. We achieve this by making use of and optimising the following, including but not limited to:

Risk Metrics

  • Debt Service Cover Ratio
  • Loan Life Cover Ratio
  • Project Life Cover Ratio
  • Payback profiles

Return Metrics

  • Project and Investor level NPV, IRR
  • Return on Invested Capital
  • Multiple on Invested Capital
  • Cash Yield
  • Return profiles

Sensitivity Analyses

  • Interest rates
  • Escalation rates
  • Capital expenditures
  • Operational expenditures
  • Funding terms
  • Capital Structure

Scenario Analyses

  • Capacity factors
  • Regulatory changes
  • Macroeconomic changes and stress events
  • Unforeseen maintenance
  • Contingent provisions within project contracts

A financial model provides value at any project stage, from understanding feasible project specifications at conceptualisation through to evaluating the impact of operational changes and refinancing options during commercial operation

Our financial modelling approach

  • We first develop a deep and thorough understanding of a project, its structures and its aims by understanding the driving factors behind its development, the need for and the impact of the development of a project.
  • We are then able to leverage this insight in the development of the structure and outputs of a financial model. We will ensure that we provide as robust and flexible a base as possible for a financial model using our depth of experience. By understanding your unique aims and requirements, we incorporate the specific mechanics required and ensure that the details of the functioning of the project are accurately and transparently reflected.
  • The user experience is a key priority for us. We will ensure that that you are able to clearly understand the inputs used, how to adjust them, how to implement different operating and development scenarios and how to interpret the outputs. We will ensure that you have full visibility of the resultant performance and risks of your project.
  • We tailor our financial models to their purpose, be it anything from project conceptualisation and initial structuring through financial viability assessments for financiers to acquisitions and sales. We ensure that the rigor and depth of our models and thus their associated functionality and value are always fit for purpose.

We develop financial models for the following scenarios, including but not limited to:

  • Construction Funding
  • Development Funding
  • Project Development Strategy
  • Project Acquisitions
  • Project Sales