In this webinar, we kick off with Annalie de Bruyn, the General Manager of the JSE Limited, providing her perspective on the recent and future amendments to both the equity and debt JSE Listings Requirements.

Looking to the market, there has recently been considerable disquiet regarding delistings, so we’ve taken the cue and highlight for you the JSE’s recent guidance on certain prohibited actions in a prohibited period in the event of a scheme of arrangement/offer and the board’s role therein.

Likewise, as stakeholders and the public call for greater accountability and transparency from board members and companies, there has been increased scrutiny on the path that boards must take within the Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) space. The final segment of our webinar focuses on ESG reporting and the important role that it plays.


Annalie De Bruyn 

GM Corporate Finance – JSE Limited

JSE Listing Requirements – Issuer Regulations


Sujal Roy 

JSE Sponsor Team Member – Merchantec Capital

Delistings in Prohibited Periods


Roxanne Cloete 

Admitted Attorney – Acorim

ESG: A Governance Perspective