Regulatory Insights Breakfast 2023

We’ve had an overwhelming response, so we have added new dates for our 2023 Regulatory Insights Breakfast.

Join us, and guest speaker Keith Rayner, for coffee and a highly impactful update on the most pertinent changes in the regulatory environment.

Networking breakfast with fellow directors and officers of South African listed companies.

Topics will include:

  • JSE Equity Listings Requirements Amendments
  • Unpacking the battle for RBPlats
  • What’s 30% in the Ordinary Course of Business?
  • Attract Investment with ESG
  • Boardroom Missteps to Avoid

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About the Regulatory Insights Breakfast

The Annual Regulatory Insights Breakfasts have been proudly hosted by Merchantec Capital for the past 14 years.

It has become an essential start to the year for Directors and Officers of JSE listed companies providing attendees with pertinent regulatory updates in a concise format, ensuring that they are in the know for the year ahead.

Speaker topics are carefully selected annually to discuss the most significant regulatory concerns from the prior year.


Very Informative – Thank-you

Great coffee, quick and to the point – gave me the edge

Love the format of the event, so helpful to navigate the regulations I need to know as a Director of a listed company

About Key Speakers

Keith Rayner

Keith is CEO of KA Rayner Presentations CC, an advisory and presentation corporation specialising in corporate finance and regulatory advice. He is an independent non-executive director of Sibanye Stillwater Limited and of Telkom SA SOC Limited

Monique Martinez

Monique is a Director of Merchantec and is a Registered JSE Approved Sponsor Executive (Equity and Debt) and is the Head of the Sponsor team at Merchantec Capital. Monique, who joined Merchantec Capital in 2003, is an expert with a demonstrated history in advising clients on, inter alia, the interpretation and application of the JSE Listings Requirements, the JSE Debt Listings Requirements and other regulatory frameworks.

Nikita Hunter

Nikita is a director of Merchantec and has been with Acorim since 2009, heading up the corporate governance division and overseeing and managing over 20 JSE listed clients and has experience in over 50 Board evaluations, charter alignments, King IV gap analysis, director trainings, benchmarking and corporate governance advisory services, including preparation of Integrated Annual Reports and reviewing of SENS announcements for various companies listed on the JSE. Nikita has presented alongside Mervyn King in providing corporate governance regulatory presentations to the South African market (both in Johannesburg and Cape Town). In addition, Nikita provides ongoing guidance to directors in terms of their duties in regard to the Companies Act and JSE Listings Requirements, where applicable.

Natasha Davies

Natasha is a director of Merchantec and has been with the Company since 2016. Natasha is an admitted attorney and specialises in corporate governance.  She has extensive knowledge of the Companies Act, King IV and the JSE Listings Requirements. Using this knowledge, Natasha has acted for and advised numerous listed companies, state-owned entities, public sector bodies and multijurisdictional companies in a variety of sectors including financial services, property, retail, technology and resource industries.

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