As an approved JSE Sponsor and Designated Advisor, and an approved Sponsor of the NSX, our expert and focused team provides independent guidance to Directors of Main Board, AltX and NSX listed companies.

Through our expert knowledge of the Listings Requirements, excellent working relationship with the JSE, the NSX and other Regulators and constant involvement of our five Approved Executives, our dedicated team guides companies listed on the Main Board, the AltX and the NSX in respect of:

  • Application of the Listings Requirements, together with the Companies Act, the Takeover Regulations and the King Code
  • Listings and delistings
  • Corporate actions and transaction implementation
  • Capital raisings
Contact Us

Craig Chambers, Chairmen, Adapt IT, shares his experience of working with us.

Merchantec Capital advised the Independent Board of Adapt IT when they received an unsolicited offer by a JSE Listed Company to acquire Adapt IT through a share swap mechanism, followed by an all cash offer by a Canadian Listed Company. As discussed by Craig this was a complicated process which required a deep technical understanding of the various regulations such as the Take-over Regulations, Companies Act and the JSE Listings Requirements. Merchantec Capital offered pragmatic advice and guided the Independent Board to the successful conclusion of the process.

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